
Frieda Schwabl

Terrible, the time with the "Option"
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
copyright location:
date of recording:
English translation by:
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
And then the option has come. 1939, that was a terrible time. As has been argued so much and so much hatred and enmity has come. Here, half of Germany has voted for Hitler and for the half there. But our father always said: "If we have to go, then he would rather go to Italy because there he was imprisoned during the First World War, and since he has seen how the vines grow .. and .. and since there are it just the wine. - And we have not been excited because at school, where the people have chosen since then have become less and less children and less and less, and that's been sad. - But then the parents have purchased, but Today, more trouble to the children. - Yes, that was with us.